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Offline Journal

Choose a 2-issue subscription option

spreads from #012 - April 2024

Choose one of two easy Subscription options below


Secure two issues of the printed Journal


Two printed issues of Offline Journal with current price locked and have them delivered to your door as they’re published.

• Issues #013 and #014


Subscriber Newsletter delivered to your email inbox every month

Offline Journal - minimum 40 pages / A4 / full colour

P&P included. UK only


Two issues of the printed Journal PLUS unique
printed supplements


Next two printed issues of Offline Journal with current price locked PLUS limited edition printed supplements and twice-monthly Subscriber+ email Newsletter.
Delivered to your door as they’re published.

• Issues #013 and #014


• Issues #012 (current) and #013


1 x exhibition CATALOG 001 (new) publication
(210 x 210mm with minimum 36 pages)

1 x OFFLINE ESSAY featuring new writing on photography (minimum 4 page A4)

Subscriber+ access to exclusive online audio and video discussions & presentations on new photography and photobooks

2 x Subscriber+ Newsletters delivered to your email inbox each month

Offline Journal - minimum 40 pages / A4 / full colour.

P&P included. UK only

• All Subscriptions are available in the UK only at present.
• Subscriptions run for 12 months (2 issues of Offline Journal) and cannot be cancelled during the 12 months.

Stay on top of what’s happening in photography in Wales via the FREE monthly email Newsletter